History of MM_StarTrack ----------------------- 0.10 - 0.45 Internal releases only 0.46 (09.01.95) First beta release 0.50 (06.03.95) + added remap-by-name o fixed kludge-adjusting + optimized code + improved #EXCLUDE + improved logging 0.51 (07.03.95) *** Released with MM v1.0 *** - the log was save always as "MM:bin/LOGFILE" instead of the configured name, fixed! 0.60 (11.04.95) + improved error-routines + added #KILL(ADDR|NAME)-function + added CheckLoop + code optimized o now the rexxsupport.library will be included before using its functions - I thought everybody does use it anyway ;-) o changed name of text-files form MM_ST.* to Text.* 0.61 (12.04.95) - fixed a bug in the "Via"-address-detection 0.65 (25.06.95) *** Released with MM v1.1 *** + added wildcard-remapping + added CheckWildcard.rexx + improved logging + improved pattern-matching-routines + now mails by MM_StarTrack will be send to the sysop of the destination instead of using just the given name. This was done to prevent sending of mails to deamons like trackers etc... + added modified import-script 0.66 (30.06.95) o updated Text.*-files 0.70 (08.07.95) + fixed & enabled statistics + added (error-) notification + imporved logging - fixed a bug which caused MM_StarTrack to break with an error if "shownl" returned an error. 0.71 (12.07.95) - fixed a bug if Source- & Destination-address were unknown - fixed a bug which caused MM_StarTrack to break with an error if no statistic-file was present 0.72 - 0.79 Beta releases only 0.80 (01.01.96) * major parts of the code completly rewritten/enhanced/ optimized/added etc... * changed Text.*-Filenames to Texts[.]/ !!! + major improvements in the pattern-matching-routines + developped enhanced cfg-read-mechanism. Now the cfg needs less than *ONE* second to be read! + improved cfg-syntax-checking + added log-tracking + improved kludge-adjustment + added #EXCLUDE + added #EXCLUDESUBJ + added #KILL + added #KILLSUBJ + added #TWIT + added #TWITSUBJ + added CheckEncoded, AllowEncoded(From|To) + added CheckFATT + improved %T, now you can also set %T to forward only lines of the text. Should only be used for bouncing of encoded mails... o changed %d to %cd (creation-date) o changed %D to %ct (creation-time) + added %id (import-date) + added %it (import-time) + added support for MM_ExportPlus + added/updated/improved all/new Text.*-files + improved & added statistics + added LogModes ViaAddr|ViaAll o renamed SendReceipt to ReturnReceipt + localized even Subject-Texts etc -> Text[.]/Misc o renamed some Text-Files + added support of reply-links -> Kludge "REPLY: " + added support for @REPLYADDR -> Msgtext "To: ..." + added support for @REPLYTO -> To/ToAddr "GATE ..." + added "Adjust" to "#DOMAIN ..." + added #(NO)STATISTICS-switch - Default: #STATISTICS (see also docs 5.4, this is very important!!!) + added nodelist-check + added #COMPILENL-cmd + added FromAddr to #DOMAIN + now MM_StarTrack does even work with a single #MAILAREA for all networks but this may not be 100% perfect for all situations... Now you have two possibilities: one single area for all mails (+#BADAREA) or one for every network (+#BADAREA)... - "Bounce WrongAddr" didn't work, fixed! - fixed an internal error which may happen on *very* large msgs with very loooong lines 0.85 (22.02.96) + added #EXECUTE[ADDR|NAME|SUBJ]: now you can execute a command for every received netmail If your cmd returns with 0: continue with all checks 1: treat it as #KILL-mail 2: treat it as #TWIT-mail >2: the mail will be excluded o removed unnecessary debbuging-code + added a short delay between MM_WriteStem & MM_SetFilenote. This may fix the write-stats hanger. I was told that the filesystem sometimes has problems when setting the filenote immediately after closing a file... + improved encoded-check-routines - when a FATT was stopped and MM_ST. did reply, the %-cmds were not substituted, fixed! - MM_ST tried to crash a loopmail to my own point, fixed! :-) - when an address was to adjust, the @DOMAIN-kludge was not adjusted, fixed! - no language-specific FATT_TOSRC-subject could be found, fixed! + added new CheckFATT-mode: MoveBad - fixed a minor bug in the CheckFATT subject: the filelength was not present + added filenote for stopped FATT's - the German Kill-text was missing, fixed. :-) + improved netmail-logging - fixed a small bug in wildcard-remap if you've used '#?' - fixed a serious bug in the Remap-name-function! + added CheckFATT-mode "Adjust" (see docs for details) + now every FATT, excluding sysop-ones will be moved to the FATT-dir + added #TASKPRI to set the ARexx-Taskpriority (-5 - 5) + added Texts/Misc "#SUBJ_NOFATT" - kludge-adjustment didn't work since ages, fixed! o changed notification mechanism (see docs for details) * added keyfile-support (see docs for details) + added support for MM_MoveMsg-command if MM.release>=445! - while remapping, sometimes not all internal settings were adjusted to the new addrs/names, fixed! 0.86 (04.03.96) - if there were some strange chars (e.g. +-*) into the domain remap didn't work - even an int. err. 40 could happen, fixed! - in #EXECUTE*, %n was not translated, fixed! + optimized & speeded up cfg-reading 0.87 (05.03.96) - MM_ST did only work when the cfg was compiled, fixed! 0.88 - 0.89 Beta releases only 0.90 (28.04.96) - in #EXECUTE*, the return-codes did not work correct, fixed! + added possibility to #EXECUTE* multiple statements per msg + now, the infos about the mailareas will also be stored in the complied cfg instead of checking them at every call - fixed a bug in stopping of FATTs: instead of the filename, ^HOLDFILE was written in the HLO. 8^( + improved Wait-For-AreasWindow-Requester + optimized code... + added CheckEncoded-mode "Split": now if somebody tries to route an encoded file by using multiple msgs, even this will be detected and bounced! :-) + added Text-file "Split-Encoded" (to the translators: please translate it and send it to me ASAP!) + added Misc-text #SUBJ_SPLITENCODED - fixed a very minor bug in the error-msg of an unknown misc- text... * FATT-routines COMPLETLY rewritten! * + added CheckFATT-mode "MoveOwn" o changed CheckFATT-mode "PutOnHold" - please refer to IMPORTANT.README for detailed infos about that! - multiple FATT's were not correctly deleted, fixed. - multiple not-splitted encoded mails were detected as splitted enc. mails, fixed! (nice sentence :-) - fixed a problem with MM_MoveMsg - fixed a bug with #EXCLUDE, #TWIT & #KILL + added @ORIGDATE-kludge + added @ROBOTMAIL-kludge to indicate that the mails MM_StarTrack writes are automatically created - in the RemapReply-function always the dst.lang was used instead of the src.lang., fixed! + added support for MM_GetTaskPri: now MM_StarTrack sets its taskpri to MM one's. You can override this using MM_StarTrack's #TASKPRI-keyword + CheckEmpty now recognizes the tearline as end of msg + now CheckEmpty checks all msgs for the system, not only for the sysop - fixed a small bug with in #SUBJ_NOFATT handling + added #FORWARD*-function (see docs!) * improved cfg-reading very much! Better argument parsing!!! *** TAKE A LOOK ON THE EXAMPLE-CONFIG!!! *** + changed the Full-Pattern-Functions #EXECUTE, #KILL & #TWIT: now their arguments have own lines. It should be easier to configure now. See the docs for details... + changed msg-editing (>= MM 1.2) because since v1.2, MM does correct the kludges itself + "@ORIGDATE" will be added by default if the msgtext was changed - if an addr was remapped to one of your addrs, it could have been deleted (depending on MM's #KEEP*-settings) because MM may have flagged a non-sysop/system msg as KILL. Now KILL will be removed... 0.95 (06.06.96) - RRR didn't work anymore, fixed! - "Delete Empty" could not be disabled, fixed! + added "#MAILROBOT PATTERN/A" to tell MM_StarTrack what mails are for mailrobots on *your* system, so that no further checks will be done (see docs/example-cfg!!!). - fixed a problem if a #MAILAREA was called "MATRIX" + added support for multiple FATTs (more than one file in the subject): now for each additional file, a seperate msg will be created. + added new textfile "FATT-Multiple"! o moved "Reading/Writing statistics" from MM-loglevel 3 to 4 - MOVEOWN didn't work correct, fixed! + %-cmds now also work with "FATT-Multiple" + if on an incoming valid FATT, the file could not be located MM_StarTrack now informs the sender about the problem. + added new textfile "FATT-NotFound" + added new "Misc"-text "#SUBJ_FATT_NOTFOUND" - sometimes the FATT/DEL/KILL-flag was not correctly removed, fixed! - if no altpath was given for a #MAILAREA, MM_StarTrack returned with "unmatched quote" due to a problem in the cfg-compilation. - fixed a small problem in the single-mailarea-detection - %-cmds in misc-subj-texts were sometimes not replaced, fixed! - fixed a problem with the handling of empty FATT-mails, e.g. from DOS-tickers + added some more cfg-checks... ************************************************************* + REMAP-routines *COMPLETLY* rewritten! Now it is *MUCH* more powerful than before! Use MM_ST_ConvertCfg.rexx to convert your cfgs. See docs/example-cfg for details! Please test it and report possible errors *IMMEDIATELY*!!! ************************************************************* 0.96 (09.10.96) - fixed an internal error if a cfged #MAILAREA did not exist any more. - fixed a very minor problem with empty log-lines. - %-cmds in subject-texts were not replaced, fixed. - fixed a small problem with the "ø" of our Danish friends ;-)